229 Bronkhorst St, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 0181

1465.7533ha - Grazing Farm - Venterstad

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Date: Thursday 14 March 2024
Time: 12:00
Category: Properties
Auction Type: Timed
Area: Eastern Cape

Additional Info

Grazing Farm, Venterstad The 3-adjoining farm portions are used as a single agricultural unit. Grazing - The farm is divided into various grazing camps. Natural veld are well established and boast a combination of grass types. Grazing on the farm is well managed. Lucerne was previously established on 3 hectares of arable land. Water - The farm offers a combination of water sources which includes boreholes, earth dams and a fountain. A dwelling and shed forms the main improvements to the farm. A cattle handling facility forms part the homestead.



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