So whether you are the buyer or the seller, the benefits of an auction conducted by Vleissentraal are obvious:
- Market related prices and competition
- Professional service
- Reputation of the company provides clients with good quality livestock, game and property
Marketers provide reliable access to livestock through continuous liaison between buyer and seller. Vleissentraal's marketers make an effort to offer successful auctions. Auction systems remain a reliable pricing mechanism..
Vleissentraal marketers are:
- Friendly
- Responsible
- Honest
- Always at your service
- Expert
Vleissentraal has experienced, attentive and registered auctioneers with good observation skills. They are well trained to handle stud cattle, game, calendar, loose goods as well as real estate auctions.
AUCTIONEERS have extensive expertise regarding the following aspects:
- Auction knowledge
- Knowledge and information about livestock and other products
- Knowledge of market prices and trends
- Knowledge of laws applicable to auctioneers
- Sales knowledge
- Successful negotiation methods
- Decision-making ability
Vleissentraal was established in 1932 as a co-operative in Prieska, in the Northern Cape, under the name Kaap Centraal Vleis Producers Co-operative Company Limited (KCV).
In August 1943 the name was changed to the South African Meat Producers (Central Co-operative) Limited, commonly known as the Central, and in July 1973 the company became Vleissentraal Co-operative Limited.
In 1964, the Co-operative decided to integrate vertically into the supply chain by making investments in industrial subsidiaries operating feedlots and wholesale and retail in meat and leather processing. Well-known brands like SAMS, Bullbrand, Kovisco, Spekenam, Supreme, Velskin, Country Bird, King Tanning and GH Hackmann counted below.
In 1992 the industrial subsidiaries were merged into Vleissentraal Industri (Proprietary) Limited and the marketing agencies into Vleissentraal Ko peratief Beperk.
Vleissentraal Industri (Proprietary) Limited was listed on the JSE in 1994 as a Colossus. The remaining stake after listing was sold in 1997. As a result, Vleissentraal Ko peratief Beperk once again became primarily just a marketing agent.
In 1996, Vleissentraal Ko peratief Beperk was transformed into a public company, namely Vleissentraal Beperk, which is not listed, but of which its shares may trade freely. On 30 March 2007, Vleissentraal Limited sold its controlling interests in the livestock operating subsidiaries to Vleissentraal (Proprietary) Limited, which controls the livestock operating subsidiaries from 1 April 2007. Vleissentraal Limited also sold its controlling interest in Vleissentraal (Proprietary) Limited to Subtropico on 1 April 2007
*Vleissentraal's branches are all members of SAFLA (Suid Afrikaanse Federasie vir Lewendehawe Afslaers/ Agente) and all Advertisers, Auctioneers and Directors are registered with the APAC (Agricultural Produce Agents Council).
Corporate Information